Which is best php framework: Yii vs CodeIgniter?

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Yii and CodeIgniter are the most popular web frameworks used among PHP developers in the global market today. However, it might be now the question is which framework is more suitable and when it must be used at the right time. Both frameworks to ensure various differences and they are open source.

As it growth and popularity in chart, prominent reason why Yii is a unique framework since it attracts many web developers due to its stunning features like caching, authentication, rapid development, scaffolding, testing, etc. CodeIgniter is best known for its simple and elegant platform.

It will be a hard competition for both developers if you ask which one is the best framework for two. So definitely Yii developers who are expert in Yii will vote for it, whereas PHP developers will vote for CodeIgniter. Both frameworks have turnkey features in which some of them are common.

Comparison between two top most popular PHP frameworks i.e. Yii and CodeIgniter.

Yii is a high-performance modern PHP framework for creating large scale and high traffic web based applications with ultimate open source technology, whereas CodeIgniter is a lightweight framework that perfectly suits for starters for developing full-featured web applications.

CodeIgniter plays a vital role in sharing dedicated hosting platforms and supports common database such as MySQL.  It empowers you in designing your own coding and naming conventions with class name conflicts.

In Yii, error-handling frameworks fix project errors quickly and manage warnings, notices and exceptions based on PHP exception mechanism, whereas CodeIgniter assists you to write the code in a single line without generating any errors by using its validation framework system.

To update the database schema across various web application fields, the CodeIgniter migration is very helpful. Whereas in Yii, its migration tool will retain track of new database schema, migration history and complex migration from a database driven application.

If you want to display static for details and technical data during the code executions, then Yii debug toolbar is very helpful. In CodeIgniter, it is followed by a different way of approach and provides instructions to debug messages, which display statics and technical information without missing inadequacy during code executions process.

One of the significant terms in Yii framework, is CRUD operations, which are built by using gii to generate controllers, models and forms in your web applications quickly. Web developers can make use of these operations to create web applications easily.

Valuable features of Yi are stated as caching, authentication, scaffolding, performance testing, input validation. SQL integration and role-based access control, error handling, cookie attacks, which makes it as unique framework. Although most of these features provided by CodeIgniter that makes it best among developers.

CodeIgniter outperforms most of its competitors consistently in creating web applications, where Yii is the best option for many programmers if they work on the same project. Multilingual websites can be easily developed via Yii, whereas CodeIgniter is not sufficient with certain aspects.


Whatever it may be any framework, it totally based on the developer’s requirements and needs. Among various PHP frameworks, Yii and CodeIgniter are serving as the best framework in the current trend of IT industry. These two frameworks are ranking as top-most in the web development field and a perfect match for programmers. Anyhow CodeIgniter is most favorable these days. Yet Yii has wider scope.


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